Update Service

class UpdateService

This service is a wrapper for communicating with SwUpdate, which manages service worker updates.


  1. Subscribes to service worker updates and alerts if an update is found or ready.

  2. Checks for service worker updates when requested.

  3. Emits the last update check timestamp.

Recipe: Integrate this service with a back-end service that returns the latest version available and the minimum supported version, to encourage users to update or to force users to update respectively.

  providedIn: 'root',
export class UpdateService {
  private readonly _swUpdate = inject(SwUpdate);
  private readonly _translocoService = inject(TranslocoService);
  private readonly _alertService = inject(AlertService);
  private readonly _loggerService = inject(LoggerService);
  private readonly _storageService = inject(StorageService);

  private _isReloadPending: boolean;
  private readonly _lastUpdateCheckTimestamp: WritableSignal<string>;

  public readonly swUpdateSubscription: Subscription;

  public constructor() {
    // Buy to unlock

  public get lastUpdateCheckTimestamp(): Signal<string> {
    // Buy to unlock

  public checkForUpdate(): void {
    // Buy to unlock

  private _resetLastUpdateCheckTimestamp(): void {
    // Buy to unlock

  private _subscribeToUpdates(): Subscription {
    // Buy to unlock

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