Let's update the default theme to a light theme with maroon as the primary color and orange as the secondary. Use the Material Palette Generator to get the color values or use your own. http://mcg.mbitson.com is also a great tool to do this.
Copy $jet-maroon-palette: (
50: #f8e6e8,
100: #edc1c4,
200: #d18885,
300: #bb5c58,
400: #bc3a33,
500: #b92617,
600: #ac1c17,
700: #9c1313,
800: #8f0b0c,
900: #800000,
contrast: (
50: #000000,
100: #000000,
200: #000000,
300: #ffffff,
400: #ffffff,
500: #ffffff,
600: #ffffff,
700: #ffffff,
800: #ffffff,
900: #ffffff,
$jet-orange-palette: (
50: #fff3de,
100: #ffe0ae,
200: #ffcb78,
300: #ffb640,
400: #ffa600,
500: #ff9600,
600: #fc8a00,
700: #f77900,
800: #f26800,
900: #e94b00,
contrast: (
50: #000000,
100: #000000,
200: #000000,
300: #ffffff,
400: #ffffff,
500: #ffffff,
600: #ffffff,
700: #ffffff,
800: #ffffff,
900: #ffffff,
Copy $default-theme: mat.define-light-theme(
color: (
primary: mat.define-palette($jet-maroon-palette, 900),
accent: mat.define-palette($jet-orange-palette, 400),
typography: $noto-sans-typography,