Settings Page Component

class SettingsPageComponent

This component is loaded on /settings. It:

  1. Shows the active Language Option and all Language Options.

  2. Allows changing the Language Option.

  3. Shows the active Theme Option and all Theme Options.

  4. Allows checking for update.

  5. Allows reloading the app.

  6. Allows clearing the storages and reloading the app.

  7. Shows the current version of the app.

  imports: [
    // Buy to unlock
  selector: 'jet-settings-page',
  standalone: true,
  styleUrl: './settings-page.component.scss',
  templateUrl: './settings-page.component.html',
export class SettingsPageComponent {
  private readonly _alertService = inject(AlertService);
  private readonly _loggerService = inject(LoggerService);
  private readonly _settingsService = inject(SettingsService);
  private readonly _storageService = inject(StorageService);
  private readonly _updateService = inject(UpdateService);
  private readonly _translocoService = inject(TranslocoService);

  public readonly languageOptions: LanguageOption[];
  public readonly lastUpdateCheckTimestamp: Signal<string>;
  public readonly settings: Settings;
  public readonly themeOptions: ThemeOption[];
  public readonly version: string;

  public constructor() {
    // Buy to unlock

  public checkForUpdate(): void {
    // Buy to unlock

  public reload(): void {
    // Buy to unlock

  public reset(): void {
    // Buy to unlock

  public updateSettings(partialSettings: Partial<Settings>): void {
    // Buy to unlock

Last updated